All About Maggie

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I've been thinking about creating a blog of my own for quite some time. I like to read the blogs of friends for entertainment when I am bored (most of the 9 hours between 8 and 5). I also like to hassle a certain friend when he doesn't post often enough because it is his job to keep me entertained. Anyway...I've always known I'm a fairly impatient person. I don't like traffic, I don't like lines in stores and in general just don't like to wait. I didn't realize just how deep my impatience went until the last week or so. I am waiting for an answer to a very important question. A question that was supposed to be answered by the end of last week...then the beginning of this week...and now has been pushed off until the beginning of next week. I don't know when I will actually find out and it is DRIVING ME (and those I talk to on a daily basis) CRAZY. an effort to save my relationships with those I talk to on a regular basis, I will use my blog to vent to and hopefully they will just get what's let over...pleasant, smiling, happy Maggie who doesn't mind waiting...or something in between! ;)


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