Decisions, Weddings & Bike Lessons
This weekend flew by, as most of them do. Friday was spent celebrating my job offers and Alfredo's being in town for three nights. We went out for Indian food AND Ice cream. It was really yummy and really nice just spending some time together after a messy car rental return and luggage not fitting in my bug. Saturday we went to a wedding for a family friend's daughter where my brother was definitely THE drunk guest. He went from seeming fine to being crazy drunk in less than 5 minutes. It was unbelieveable. Luckily, for the most part he's a funny drunk and amused most of the guests. We also did a lot of dancing and in general just had a really good time:
Me & Mom

Me & Alf

Me & VERY drunk brother

Me & Father of the Bride

On Sunday, after Alfredo went golfing, he decided it was finally time for another bike lesson. About a year and a half ago we made a deal that if I learned how to golf, he would learn how to ride a bike. He never learned as a kid because his mom told him he'd have to wear a helmet and he refused. Now, I've learned how to golf (still have a lot to learn, but I'm getting out there and trying). So, he realized he was going to have to give the bike riding stuff a shot. My dad gave him his first lesson a few years back on my brother's old bike (from when he was like 10). We took the bike home with us and it has sat in the garage ever since. After a whole golfing vacation Alfredo realized he really should hold up his end of the bargain so here are pictures from lesson #2:
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