Only Me
Only I manage to get sick or hurt myself on every vacation, extended weekend, special event, etc. This four day weekend was no exception. Monday morning I woke up and noticed two very large bug bites on my legs. One behind my knee, one on the opposite thigh. It's not uncommon for my bug bites to turn into welts so I didn't think anything of it. I go on my bike ride, where I get bad sunburn, and then head to my aunt's later for a family gathering. As I"m getting dressed I notice that my quarter size bug bites now appear to be more the size of a lime. At the family gathering there are two nurses so I have them take a look. Panic follows. One says I might have Tics crawling on me, another says it may be a brown recluse spider bite and my uncle tells me if I don't take care of it, it may start eating my flesh. Fabulous. One look from Alfredo and it's clear he thinks they are overreacting. I let them mark the edges and go on with the evening. By the time we get home from summerfest it's the size of an orange and instead of a bullseye like appearance, it looks like a massive bruise. We decide to mark the edges again...and I let Alfredo have the marker. Two circles, a smiley face and another inappropriate picture on my leg later I go to bed. The next morning it's taken over most of my calf...and the ink is sheets, my other leg, my hand. FABULOUS. The outer color has begun to fade though so we enjoy our day of him golfing, me reading a magazine trying to stay in the golf cart...crazy ass driver. Today I go to the health services center at work where a nurse practitioner made the following comment, "Hmmm...I wonder if it could be West Nile. Let me look. (She now opens a palm pilot to look up symptoms).'d have a headache or stiff neck. Keep an eye on it". THANKS LADY...I feel sooo much better now. It's still fading so I"m giving it one more day before I go to my real doctor. Only me...only me.
Other than that, the weekend was a huge success. We got to go to summerfest twice (love the new martini lounge) and saw the fireworks on the 3rd. I'm such a kid...I love fireworks. We could even see two shows from our balcony last night! It was a great weekend followed by only a three day work week. Can't get much better than that!
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